Monday, November 17, 2008

6 random things about me...

My friend Amanda K. W. posted 6 "Random Things" about her in a blog post game. I decided to play, too, so here goes.

6 random things about me

1. As a child, before the age of 5 to the age of about 7, I knew exactly how to prepare a baked potato and would fix them for my parents and sister often. I stopped because I burned my hand badly and have completely forgotten how to fix them since.

2. I started to design and maintain websites at 15 when I had the whole 1997 Summer to kill. Only 2 of the 4 websites I started still exist.

3. I met my current boyfriend, Ryan, on one of the sites I helped start. He is the longest and best relationship I've ever had.

4. As a child, I had selective mutism, a rare anxiety disorder that would cause me to freeze up in school when a teacher called on me.

5. I have metal hooks all along my spine because of a spinal fusion surgery that was complicated. I nearly bled to death.

6. I have one of the largest collections of Heather O'Rourke, Judith Barsi, and Return to Oz (1985 movie) items that I've been collecting since 16 because I started sites on each of subjects.

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